Saturday, August 18, 2012

Oops! Double Session?

Last night around 9:30PM, I looked at my training plan for today.  I hadn't realized I was in the highest mileage part of my training, and I saw that I missed a big run yesterday because I didn't look at my plan on Thursday night.  Oops!

My plan for Friday:  a double session with six miles at a brisk to fast pace in the morning and six miles in the evening.  I improvised a couple of days this week, but worked diligently.  I thought Friday would be a cross training day, and I decided to skip it as I faced yard work, activities following an early school release, and preparations for a birthday party.

When I made my plan, I was eager to try this double session, which is a part of a plan on the Bourbon Chase website.  The logic is that it prepares one to run three legs of the relay, which require a lot of miles with little rest or recovery time.  I was up for anything at the time I decided a double session was a good idea.  One of the plans might have included more than one double session.  I felt that was unrealistic and overly ambitious, so I just incorporated one into my plan.

During a 12 miler today, I shared that I missed this double session.  And, after having run 12 miles on Friday, finishing 6 in the evening, was supposed to run the twelve this morning.

"Who planned that?" asked a friend.

"I did," I replied, laughing loudly, followed by, "I know, right?"

What was I thinking six weeks ago?  Who has time for that?  Who do I think I am?  I'm glad I didn't check my training plan for Friday.  Then I would have felt bad about not being able to carry out my own plan.  I might have been disappointed, but now I just laugh.  I've run the Chase twice already without this double session.

On the evening I was supposed to run part two of a double session, my youngest daughter had been invited to a birthday party in a neighboring town at 5-7PM, and I had promised my oldest daughter that we would make cupcakes for her party.  All that was enough.  As it was, frosting and decorating the cupcakes had to wait until this afternoon.

I am more comfortable running outdoors than making just about anything in the kitchen, but on this particular Friday, I was meant to be oblivious to a training schedule and be just a mom making cupcakes with her nine-year-old daughter who was full of anticipation for a her luau themed party.  

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