Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Up and Onward! Boston Bound!

I should be packing for my family's trip to Boston. Instead, you could say I am procrastinating. But unlike my college days, I'm not procrastinating over writing. This morning I am in a much better place mentally than when I wrote my post last night. What a downer of a post that was! As my dear readers know, I have lots of ups and downs. Today I am up, and it's only up and onward from here!

I had a great run with my coach this morning. Just when I thought I was too tired to go on with this training, she was there for me with more encouragement than ever. I was able to nail the three miles at an 8:15 pace while we talked easily about our lives - our families, work (part-time jobs beyond running our households) and running. I have missed such conversations with other runners during this training season. I pretty much trained alone or at a considerable distance behind my training partner.

Talking with my coach made me realize that running alone has made me tougher. I can do this alone.  Even though 20,000 + runners will be in the race, and the crowd support will be unlike any other race, I will be running alone, and I am ready for that.

1 comment:

  1. Wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you here and hope you and yours are OK.
