Sunday, February 16, 2014

Boston Training: Week 10; Snowed in and Thankful for Neighbors

I got my chance to run in the snow this year.  On Tuesday snow flurries fell as I began my run.  They continued for an hour and fifteen minutes.   My face was beyond cold, and I do not have hard core winter running gear to protect my face.  When I realized the flurries were not letting up and was about an hour from my house, I began to wonder what the school system would do.  Nine miles into the run I stopped to take a picture of a horse wearing a zebra blanket.  My phone and camera died (probably because of the cold) but not before I saw a text from my husband stating that schools were closing one hour early.  I had just enough time to get home and drive to the middle school for a 1:15 dismissal.  When I got home, I learned my friend, neighbor and fellow carpool mom was already waiting in line to pick up the girls.

On Wednesday the snow fell fast and furious beginning around 1PM.  The Triangle area came to a standstill during a lengthy winter storm.  Another friend and neighbor sent an e-mail to neighbors inviting cardio junkies to use her treadmill while we anticipated being snowed in for a few days.  I took her up on her offer and ran on her treadmill on Thursday and Friday.  I'm so very thankful for her friendship and treadmill!

Sat.:  18 miles; 10 miles at an 8:20-8:30 pace.  (I lost the data on my Garmin, but I hit the paces.)
Sun.:  Rest
Mon.: 6 miles; 9:56 pace + 8 X 100 meter strides
Tues.: 12 hilly miles; 9:18 average pace with a negative split
Wed.: Cross train or day off.  I chose a day off.
Thurs.: 8 miles; 6 at an 8:00 minute pace on a treadmill
Fri.: 5 miles; 10 minute pace on treadmill

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