Saturday, February 23, 2013

Return to Running

Today was my first run in two weeks, and my heart was filled with joy.  With a steady rain and temperatures in the 30's, I chose the Y treadmill option to try out my leg.  At the outset my senses were assaulted, but eventually I found myself easing into my own insulated, bubble world with mindless pop music and a rhythmic pace.

The treadmill was situated on the small, elevated, indoor track with a view of the gym below where two simultaneous children's basketball games were being played with cheering fans on the sidelines.  Balls hitting the exposed racquetball courts behind me echoed off the walls.  Runners ran in circles in front of me on the track.  I turned on Mumford and Sons to an unsafely loud level to cover it all.   While I noticed the noise and commotion, I was happy to be on the treadmill and focused intently on the feel of my right calf with every footfall.

After several miles without a hitch, my concern turned to joy.  I was so elated that I told myself I should run 10 miles, which would give me a nice psychological boost.  Common sense returned, and I reminded myself to be safe; I'm just trying to make it to the starting line.

I remembered good gym member etiquette of using a machine for only 30 minutes when others are waiting and flirted with the notion of running a couple of miles on the track, but instead insulated myself and kept moving.  I wore my hot pink leg compression sleeves, which will likely be permanent training and recovery accessories from here on out even if just for the good luck they brought today.

I finished strong and found a friend cycling on the track.  From our discussion and her evident concern, I decided I will see a physical therapist this week to work on whatever is causing my calf problems.  I had been in a holding pattern, hoping I would be okay after two weeks of rest.  I was myopic about where to go from here as I focused on staying positive each day.

Mon.: cycling class + 1 hr. elliptical
Tues.: 1 hr. bike
Wed.: cycling class + yoga
Thurs.:  90 mins. bike
Fri.: cycling + yoga: no workout/conflict
Sat.: 8 miles treadmill at 10 min. pace

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