Friday, May 18, 2012

Bald Head Island Loop

Today I ran a loop around Bald Head Island to make 10 miles.  It was a cool morning with threatening rain clouds, but while running, the conditions were just right.  I started around 7:15 AM with a map in my belt pouch on Seagull Trail and turned right onto West Bald Head Wynd to make my way toward the Island Conservancy.  The terrain and houses were familiar because we had ventured by golf cart along the same route to play in the waves on East Beach.

Because I sensed rain was imminent and had inadvertently gotten my shoes and socks wet taking pictures at the beach, I decided I should head back instead of exploring East Beach.  I thought I would enjoy the beach area more, but the return trip on Federal Road, which runs parallel to the creek and salt marsh, was serene and lovely -- at least at first.   I learned that you could make an adventure of running the Island if you have enough time and good weather.  Additionally, I learned that bugs and mosquitos thrive along Federal Road, and that it's a busy thoroughfare around 8:30 AM on a Friday morning.  Each time I stopped and stepped off the pavement to take pictures (emitting vast amounts of attractive carbon dioxide), bugs and mosquitos flocked to me.  After a while it wasn't worth it to stop;  I'll count the mosquito bites in the morning.

I had to tell myself to enjoy the run and to not try to capture it.  Then the traffic increased.  I imagine that, in season, the golf cart traffic would mimic HWY 55 in Apex.  But on this morning I enjoyed the stately trees dripping with Spanish moss.  I added on the harbor area and another mile out and back to make 10 miles.  It was a nice end to a great week at Bald Head Island.        

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