Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No More 5K Training

I just got back from my last speed work before an upcoming 5K race on Saturday.  I had wanted to see if I could improve my time, so I trained for this one.  I had not trained for a 5K before, and on the run I decided that I won't do it again.  One of my friends recently asked me why I need to train for a 5K.  She had a point.  What I would like to do is run them with my husband and girls for fun.

At this time last year, my husband, oldest daughter and I ran a race together, and it was fun.  It was my husband's first 5K, and my daughter's second.   My daughter and I had run the race a year or two before that, and to our surprise, she placed in her first race.  After the race I knew she had done well, but she had no idea.  I was delighted at watching her response when she was called forward to claim a medal and a gift certificate.   Now, we look forward to the day she can run again.  For the past 10 months, she has been told by her orthopedist to avoid running long distance, and he considers a mile to be long distance for a nine-year-old.  My daughter has a knee condition that calls for rest with the hope that healing will occur.  She can't wait to run and participate in the running club and to play soccer.  And, I can't wait to watch her.  Running races with her and watching her accomplishments is much more rewarding than my running and placing in a 5K.

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