Polar Vortex to Tornado Watch
Last week was cold, and this week my long Saturday run was 30 degrees warmer with humidity and temperatures in the 60's. Later in the afternoon, we had a severe storm with tornado watches.
It's Runner's Knee!
The doctor says I have Runner's Knee, which my seven-year-old found just silly. "Well, of course you have runner's knee, mom, you are a runner," she said. Perhaps my track workout brought the symptoms on, but the doctor seems to think that I can attribute it to a muscular imbalance. My quadriceps are stronger than my core and hips, so my kneecap is feeling the strain. I am assigned
specific stretches six days a week and strength exercises three days a week to work on the imbalance until I return to the doctor in one month if necessary.
Sat.: 15 miles at a 9:10 pace
Sun.: Day off
Mon.: 6 hilly miles at a 9:49 pace
Tues.: 8 miles with 5 miles at an 8:06 pace (was supposed to run 9 miles).
Wed.: cycling class
Thurs.: 10 miles at a 9:16 pace
Fri.: Day off
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