The extreme winter weather hit Apex, NC hard this week. We had snow, ice and temperatures way below freezing. A kind neighbor let me use her treadmill for a tempo run, and I ran with friends and snow plows another day.
Sunday: rest
Monday: 9 miles: 3 conversation pace, 4 tempo, 2 conversation pace. Came up one mile short and slow for this 10 miler. Didn't hit tempo pace on the sloping terrain. 7:52, 8:13, 7:42 and 8:15.
Tuesday: 4-6 miles conversation pace with cross training at basic training class (None of it was done. Snowed in and supervising children playing in snow and frigid temperatures.)
Wednesday: 13 miles conversation pace (ran on roads with icy patches and snow plows)
Thursday: 12 miles with 4 at conversation pace and 8 at marathon pace of 8:15. Hit the times on the treadmill, but came up one mile short of scheduled 13 because of discomfort and swelling in lower right leg.
Friday: 6 miles conversation pace
Saturday: 10 miles conversation pace. I was scheduled to run 5 of these at marathon pace, but I chose to run conservatively and ran a very slow 10:10 average, the slowest run of my training.
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