My 13 miler yesterday with a friend was bearable because of her company. We marveled about the Olympic athletes, especially the runners. On these warm, humid, and sluggish training runs, it's good to have company and plenty of fluids.
My hill eater friend had given me a packet of Heed to try, and I mixed it with water and drank it during the run. She is concerned that I'm consuming too much artificial coloring from Gatorade. I'll have to put this on my shopping list. My foot was fine, and I will continue with training.
This morning I awoke to the roar of the crowd from the Olympic Marathon course blaring from the TV. My nine-year-old was watching the men's marathon. She was joined by her little sister who had fallen asleep on the couch last night watching the final track relays with me.
My girls and I have not been getting our usual amount of rest during these Olympic games. I've heard others talk about not getting enough sleep, but I might be more guilty of influencing my girls to stay up late than others.
I imagine that most parents feel like I do. I hope that my girls are inspired by watching great feats and motivated to try their best in sports familiar to them and that they have their horizons expanded and curiosity piqued by watching sports that are new to them. When my girls watch the fastest women in the world handing off a baton, I wonder if they are inspired to do the same.
I am proud of the Olympic athletes and am glad that they can be role models for my girls. I've read plenty of articles about the games ranging from Nike's brilliant marketing tactic with the neon track shoes to my favorite, that strong is the new pretty. I am ready for strong to be pretty for all girls.
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